Question 1:


Since the time of industrialisation (around 1880), the average temperature on earth has risen by about 0.85 degrees Celsius.  At the moment the temperature is increasing at an average of about 01 degrees Celsius per decade.  Compared to all other warming phases, this is an extremely rapid rise, most of which was caused by human activity.  This seemingly small rise has and will have serious effects on life on the earth.

Question 2:

Not correct

On average, people in Europe use almost four times as much energy as people in Asia. Thus, the people in Europe with their consumption pollute the climate four   times as much as the people in Asia. Compared to the average consumption of the people in Africa, they use almost 10 times as much energy.

Question 3:

Not correct

At 18 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, the influence of livestock on global warming is higher than that of global traffic.

Question 4:


Large quantities of grain are used as animal food for the production of meat and        other animal products. As a result large amounts of fertile soil are lost. For example,    pastureland and arable land used for growing animal feed make up 80% of the arable land. one kilo of beef contains 7 kilos of grain - a large part of the nutritional energy is lost. According to a calculation by the UN Environment Program, the calories that are lost when plant-based foods are converted into animal-based foods can theoretically be fed to 3.5 billion people. In addition, livestock farming is now the main cause of the clearing of rainforests in the Amazon region.

Question 5:

Not correct

If the harmful emissions were to be completely stopped now, the warming that have occurred up to this point in time would still persist for several centuries. The t emperature could rise even further as CO2 continues to heat the atmosphere.

Question 6:


Many animal species will not be able to adapt to the changed climatic conditions. They lose their habitat or their food base and often have little opportunity to migrate to areas that are suitable for them due to humans.

Question 7:


If you only consider pure CO2 emissions, flying is actually "only" responsible for 2% of global emissions. However, many more harmful greenhouse gases, such as nitrogen or water vapor, are produced when flying. What is particularly serious is that the gases are emitted in very high atmospheric layers, where they are many times more harmful than on the ground. Because of the height at which the emission takes place, the pollutants cannot be absorbed by plants or washed out by precipitation. Due to the increased harmful effect, researchers assume that air traffic accounts for 6-14% of the effects of global emissions. In addition, only about 10% of the world's population has flown once. This proportion of the people living on earth is responsible for all emissions from air traffic.

Question 8:


In 2010 the island "New Moor Island" sank into the sea in the Bay of Bengal between India and Bangladesh. In the Pacific Ocean, too, five small islands disappeared forever under the sea level. Fortunately, they were all uninhabited. In the future, many more islands will be affected by rising sea levels - and not just distant, tropical islands, but also many North Sea islands off Germany's coast.

Question 9:

Nor correct:

By switching to green electricity, even more CO2 emissions are saved: per kilowatt hour of conventional electricity, approx. 600 grams of CO2 per kilowatt hour of green electricity are generated, e.g. only about 30 grams of CO2 are generated from solar or wind energy. that is only one twentieth of harmful greenhouse gases!